Read the warning issued by the Brazilian Health Minister about one of the greatest public crisis in the country’s history:


The fight against Zika could only be won if people did their part to eradicate the mosquito which transmits it, Mr Castro said.


Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 11 mar. 2016.


In the text, the pronoun "it" replaces the following term:






Viagens de avião podem ser cansativas por uma série de motivos, como extravio de bagagem, exigência de documentação, voos com passageiros além do que comporta a aeronave etc. Leia o texto, a seguir, sobre outra questão que pode causar problemas nesse tipo de viagem.


Will child-free flights go global?


One of the biggest variables when flying is the company that you’re forced to keep. If you're in economy or business, aisle or window, there will almost always be someone sitting next to you – and if that person is particularly flirtatious, odoriferous, anxious or loud your experience could be drastically altered.


But with recent upgrades allowing passengers to choose a seat away from children, having at least one type of less-than-desirable seatmate could soon be a thing of the past.


Last week, Scoot airlines, the budget subsidiary of Singapore Airlines, announced that seats in child-free areas, named the "ScootinSilence" rows, can now be booked for a small fee. The section is an updated set of restrictions on their premium economy product; in addition to extra leg room and a better  seat, you are also liberated from having to sit with children 12 and under.


Disponível em: . Acesso em: 06 set. 2013.


Após a leitura da reportagem, é possível inferir que sua ideia central é a:

proibição de crianças em voos que fazem a rota de países do Oriente.

falta de opções na escolha de companhias áreas e os serviços ofertados.

inclusão de serviços adicionais na classe econômica de voos internacionais.

possibilidade de fazer um voo em área privada da presença de crianças.

liberação de poltronas apropriadas para crianças de até 12 anos de idade.

Leia, a seguir, um trecho de reportagem sobre os homens Neandertais.


Neanderthals' lack of artistic skills may have led to their extinction because they were unable to develop the hand-eye coordination needed to hunt


Neanderthal art is not known for being impressive. Unlike Homo sapiens, our ancient cousins were unable to draw recognisable images of animals or people. Now, new research claims this lack of artistic ability was closely related to Neanderthals' inferior hunting skills. Both drawing and hunting require hand-eye coordination, which Neanderthals did not have – a fact that scientists say may have led to their extinction.


Neanderthals existed mainly in Eurasia between 120,000 and 35,000 years ago and used thrusting spears at close range to kill horses, reindeer, bison, and other large game that had not developed an innate wariness of humans. Meanwhile, early humans (Homo Sapiens) hunted dangerous animals using throwing spears in sub-Saharan Africa for more than 500,000 years.


Throwing spears, rather than thrusting them, made hunters better at visualisation. As a result, Homo Sapiens developed a bigger parietal cortex – the area in the brain that integrates visual input and motor skills. This meant that they could also make art about hunting, which acted as a type of practice for our ancestors, because drawing developed their hand-eye coordination.


Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 20 fev. 2018.



to hunt = caçar

thrusting spears = lanças de mão

throwing spears = lanças de arremessar

throw = arremessar

at close range = a curta distância

game = a atividade de caça esportiva ou para consumo; ou os animais caçados


Leias as assertivas a seguir com base no texto sobre os Neandertais:


(I) Apesar de terem cérebros grandes, os Neandertais não desenhavam de modo claro.

(II) A coordenação entre mãos e olhos é necessária somente para desenhar, mas não para caçar.

(III) As diferenças artísticas entre os Neandertais e o Homo sapiens podem estar relacionadas aos seus estilos de caça.

(IV) Os primeiros Homo sapiens também não conseguiam desenhar os animais que caçavam.

(V) Essas diferenças podem explicar por que os humanos se tornaram mais coordenados que os Neandertais.


De acordo com o texto de referência, estão erradas apenas as assertivas:

II e IV.

I, IV e V.

I, III e IV.

IV e V.

I, II e III.

Leia, a seguir, um fragmento da canção Hot N’ Cold da cantora norte-americana Katy Perry. Observe os termos em negrito.


Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in and you're out
You're up and you're down

You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up


A partir de seus estudos sobre a coesão semântica, é possível afirmar que a relação existente entre as palavras em negrito é de:






O diabetes é um dos problemas de saúde mais recorrentes no mundo. Os hábitos alimentares são determinantes na prevenção e no controle da doença, conforme pode ser lido no texto a seguir:

Diabetes warning over soft drinks

People should consume fewer sugar-sweetened soft drinks, say European scientists

Drinking one or more cans of sugary soft drinks a day is linked to an increased risk of diabetes in later life, a study suggests. A diabetes charity recommends limiting sugary foods and drinks as they are calorific and can cause weight gain.

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 26 ago. 2015.


Com base no texto anterior, é possível afirmar que o(a):

diabetes é uma doença que se restringe a pessoas da terceira idade.

elevação da temperatura corporal está ligada à ingestão de açúcar.

restrição na ingestão de açúcar é uma forma de prevenir o diabetes.

ingestão de alimentos açucarados deve ser excluída de nossa dieta.

sinal mais comum da doença é o rápido ganho de peso do paciente.

Read the sentences below:

(I) Don't you mind to shut the door? It is too noisy outside.

(II) After a heart attack, Jessie quitted smoking for good.

(III) The class decided to do the final exam next week.

(IV) Anne is not loyal. I can't stand to be in her presence!

(V) My mother has practiced playing the piano since her teens.

The sentences in which gerunds and infinitives were appropriately used are:

I, II, and IV.

II, III, and V.

I, IV, and V.

II, III, and IV.

I, III, and V.

Observar a ordem das palavras (word order) é fator determinante não só para a correta construção gramatical, mas, também, para a construção do significado. Assim, das sentenças a seguir, aquela que obedece à correta norma de disposição de palavras na língua inglesa é:

You sometimes are moody in the morning.

Explain to the doctor clearly your problem.

Julian feels depressed from time to time.

I have every day to attend the arts school.

Mary visits once a year in Florida her son.

Leia este trecho de notícias e considere o pronome “it” em negrito, no 2º parágrafo:


The biggest factor influencing businesses today is technology, said top bank executive Jean Lemierre at the Singapore Summit.


He added that it is changing the way we operate. “I do not belong to the group of people who think that technology will destroy jobs — technology will change the jobs.”


“We need to pay a lot of attention to training, education, adaptation. At the end of the day, it will be an element for growth and it will be positive,” Lemierre said.


Disponível em: https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/15/singapore-summit-tech-wont-destroy-jobs-just-change-them-says-bnp-paribas-chairman.html. Acesso em: 15 set. 2017.


De acordo com seus estudos em coesão, o pronome “it” refere-se à seguinte palavra:






A reportagem, a seguir, relata uma série de atos criminosos contra uma instituição de caridade situada na ilha britânica de Isle of Man. Leia o texto e responda ao que se pede.

Thieves have struck for the second time in a fortnight at a charity which cares for the elderly in the Isle of Man. The van was parked in the South Quay area of Douglas on both occasions

Earlier this month thieves stole the van's fuel injectors and grill, while it was parked in South Quay, Douglas, leaving a repair bill of £2,000.

This week Isle of Man's white Citroen van was stripped of its fuel pump, while parked in the same area.

Charity chief executive George Quayle said: “I am at a loss for words.”

The charity provides help to around 200 elderly and disabled people in the Isle of Man each year.

Mr Quayle said: “They must be desperate people with no scruples at all. Theft is bad enough but when you are stealing from a charity it does seem like they have no morality at all.”


Disponível em: . Acesso em: 28 out. 2013.


Leia as afirmativas, a seguir, sobre a reportagem que noticiou os atos criminosos cometidos contra a instituição de caridade da Isle of Man:


(I) os ladrões roubaram a quantia de £2.000 da instituição de caridade.

(II) o alvo dos bandidos são as peças do carro que atende à instituição.

(III) a instituição abriga, em seu prédio, aproximadamente 200 idosos.

(IV) os ataques à van da instituição vêm acontecendo na mesma região.

(V) o Sr. Quayle lamenta o caráter falho dos que têm cometido tais atos.


Com base na leitura da reportagem, é possível afirmar que são verdadeiras as afirmativas:

II, IV e V, apenas.

I, III e IV, apenas.

I, IV e V, apenas.

I, III e V, apenas.

I, II e V, apenas.

Read the following text about heart disease in the USA to anwer the question.


Wear Red Day


The first Friday of February is a special day in the US. It is “Wear Red Day” when people wear red clothes as a way to think about heart disease. It is a big problem for US women. One in three women dies from heart disease every year. Younger and younger women have heart disease. Experts worry about the situation. Most people can prevent the disease. It is important to eat well and exercise. A good diet means you eat enough grains, fruit, and vegetables. It is better to drink water than drinks with sugar. Other important things are to stop smoking and relax.


Adapted. Retrieved from https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/wear-red-day-level-1/ on February 10, 2022.


Based on the previous text, choose the correct alternative.

Heart disease affects American women from early age groups.

Heart disease is a condition difficult to be prevented for most people.

Heart disease has a month dedicated to its prevention in the USA.

Heart disease is a big problem among male American population.

Heart disease is ignored by health professionals in the USA.

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